Sunday, March 14, 2010


As I lay sick in bed with all sorts of random illnesses this weekend, I began pondering on the simplicity of my life as compared to mothers long ago. I am sure there are trade offs here and there, but what happened when moms got sick back then? You couldn't call for take out or even stick your kids in front of how many movies. Moms had to haul water, skin animals for dinner, keep some semblance of housework using straw brooms, and hand wash how many grimy things in dirty water. It was hard to feel bad about my nagging cough that leads to restless nights and the GI wonder that kept me from wanting to move even an inch. At least I had an air conditioned house and vicks vapor rub. (yeah, we already need to turn on the air conditioning) I threw dinner in the crock pot and let my kids revel in the fact that more then one movie would be seen this week.

So here is to all the women who did far more then me with far less. Here is to the willingness to still bring children into a world that was strife with all manners of illnesses and no names or reasons for their existence. Here is to the many inventors who make my life wonderful (special shout out to indoor plumbing and soap creators) Here is to a body that takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'.


student said...

Yea for perspective.

Kevin and Kristen said...

Oh Rachelle. You have the annoying cough. I truly feel for you. I had that thing for a month and there was nothing that touched it. I would take double dose of Nyquil so that I could sleep for at least 4 hours during the night. It is not fun, and it does make you wonder what the women back in the day did. Thank goodness for some sort of relief in medicine. Hope you feel better very soon.