See those two glowing lines? That solidified my inklings that I woke up with this morning. Sure enough, I have strep! After a ridiculous attempt to get seen in my actual clinic, I was referred to a civilian urgent care facility. I was slightly annoyed since this is #2 time I have tried to get an appointment (oddly enough the first time was for strep a year ago) and have never gotten in. I wish people realized that crammed health facilities and poor care is what awaits us. But I digress, I had my fears about going to a civilian urgent care with visions of long waits and sub-prime conditions in the office. A sweet friend offered to watch the kiddos and I bravely found the DMV looking building. Luckily, both the long wait and the condition inside proved false.
After the necessary paperwork and weight/measurements to do, the nurse lead me to my room and swabbed my throat right then and there. Literally 20 seconds later, I had my positive test results and a few minutes later I was talking to a doctor about treatment options. I went for the quick and easy one shot option with an added shot to reduce swelling and make my throat more comfortable. Doctor leaves and a few minutes later a male nurse came in with needles. Poor guy. The shots were in the "upper thigh" which really meant "upper butt". Sorry for the visual, now you know how that poor nurse felt. I am glad to have got it sooner than later. Last go around I felt like I would never live through the ordeal. Now I just have to wait my 24 hours and then revisit the outside world.
Since last typing this, I have had the chance to see the outside world, but not in best way. Tiago woke up with this on his pinkie finger:
After freaking out and googling spider bites, the ER seemed to be the best place to handle his brown recluse bite. From 11:45 pm until 5:45 am, we giggled and read books and prayed for other crying babies that came and went before a doctor decided to cut off the top of the blister and squeeze the puss out. He got some x-rays and hydrogen peroxide and no sleep. With crazy potent antibiotics,we rushed home in time to get Fernando off to work and crashed the 45 minutes before we had to be back at the hospital for Mia's appointment.
Turns out that strep is contagious ;) and Mia decided to join in on the fun. No one knows why they think kids will like medicine that smells and must taste like rancid fruit, but we have what seems to be gallons of the stuff to take. Tiago and Mia act as if the medicine will destroy them each dosing. It's going to be a long 10 days.