So I think I have a little OCD and germ phobia. I only say a little since it rears its head in the strangest ways.** One such example is the fact that I hate the plastic turn handles that come with your standard, run of the mill faucet. There is nothing so disgusting as the idea of turning on the water to wash my hands after I have goobied them with raw hamburger meat or poultry.
To solve this problem, I decide to install a new kitchen faucet. I have never done this before, but the box said it was easy to install. This part was true for the most part. What the box failed to mention was the degree of difficulty one might have removing the old faucet.
My first attempt was made with no success. I even had to call around to borrow the tools the instruction sheet suggested. Unfortunately, none of those tools were right for the job.
Today I tried again with only a few glitches. First, it is important to remove all appropriate nuts before you try removing other nuts. Then, when you strip that other nut of all plastic parts on could use to grip onto with your handy dandy basin wrench, be grateful that the old faucet had copper pipes which are relatively easy to bust in two.
(Not an excellent picture. This is what the old faucet looked like after being ranked from its place.)
After a lot of back and forth glancing at the directions and the faucet, I finally got
*Notice in several of the pictures how filthy my sink is and how that didn't bother me as much as the handles of the sink.