WARNING>Contains graphic pictures of torn toenails. Be advised!
I have a pathological problem with status quo. Not that I am good at changing stuff that should be changed (eating, sleeping, and exercise habits to name a few that need this attention), but I often go around rearranging my furniture every few weeks. Now that we are attempting to sell our home (any buyers interested, feel free to buy), I find the need to change things up comes more frequently and with a greater intensity.
So a about a month ago, I was moving around some couches in our family room. They really aren't that heavy and slide quite easily across the carpet. When I slid the couch a bit too quickly and close, I ended up with a toenail 90 degrees away from its home position. I attempted to push it back into place and stop the bleeding, but then some of my kids needed help and walking while holding down a toenail just isn't a function.
I decided to do a little research on ripped toenails and realized that I needed a doctor visit. ER's with 4 kids are never a charm, but no one was home to watch the kids. I debated between going to a hospital 5 minutes from my home or heading across town to the hospital where Fernando was working in hopes that he might have the chance to watch the kids while my toenail was fixed. It just so happened that Fernando's family left the day before which was too bad. Free babysitters who love getting the chance to watch your kids makes such unfortunate events so much better. I took my chances with the hospital across town.
Mia reminded me that it was such a blessing that my left big toe was damaged because driving to the hospital would have been impossible. Fernando came after we were triaged which I think ended up being beneficial. No one wanted to rank me as a wait for space ER candidate with four kids buzzing with nervous energy. It was now a couple hours past the injury and the adrenaline had definitely worn off. The doctor tried to touch the toe and I almost screamed. He numbed up the toe (even more painful than the toe touching) and proceeded to sew my toenail to my toe. I waddled out to enjoy a little gyro sandwich with the kids before heading home.
Church was fun with flip flops. I am sure no one cared, but it was quite ridiculous wearing flip flops with a nice dress and a wool coat due to the colder temperatures. With over a month and a half healing time, the toenail is gone with a new one on the way. The next two pictures after the now picture are increasingly more graphic FYI.