Have I mentioned how much I love our zoo membership? We often are one of the few families even at the zoo. Even better, we get early admission when the zoo isn't as hot and the animals are actually awake. One can almost feel happy for them in their confined cages. I just let the kids waltz about in front of me deciding where to go and what to see. We like to pretend talk for the animals (ok I like to make up what the animals are thinking and the kids humor me). Speaking of humoring. . .Tiago and Mia insisted on being buried in the rocks on the zoo's beach front. Tiago insisted that it was really comfortable.
Talia insisted on dunking her own head into the water and watching it flow down in front of her face. This a making her legs float in the water was her and my entertainment for quite awhile.
Another source of joy came in climbing the many statues at the zoo. Because it was early enough in the day, there was no danger of serious burns due to sun soaked metal.
Notice that red line on the statue? That is a line of demarcation. Children aren't supposed to go past that line. Too bad my kids could careless and I often give up on telling them not to.
Oh, zoo, we love you so much.