Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday

It's always a party during birthday weeks in our house. It makes it easy since half our family is born during the second week in April and the other half is born third week of September. This month brought me out of my 20's and Tiago into 5 year old status.

Birthdays as a mom have always been different, but magical in there own right. Like going to library storytime and laughing at the kids trying to activity participate in the book.

It was nice to get all the well wishes and what not. Fernando started off the day with letters hidden throughout the house that discussed various memories he had of me from the 12 years we have know each other.

Tiago's day included treats aka donut gems at school then going to Red Robin for our free birthday lunch and over to ColdStone for our free birthday ice cream creations.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Irish Dancing

Confession, I love Irish Dancing. I took a class at BYU and it made me appreciate it even more especially when my 60 year old teacher was leaping around effortlessly like a gazelle and I felt like my shoes had cement in them. This video adds a fun twist on Irish Dancing with the cutest song.


Monday was full of hope and potential. The children were up early and happy. These things aren't always mutually inclusive. All was going well as we were leaving the home ready to razor up to school. Oops! The stroller that has seen many a days with our family, the stroller that exploded under the weight of three children while attempting a family jog, a stroller that was coming apart at the seams was gone. Some soon to be family bought it for $15 at the yard sale and well, I wasn't hiked Talia up to school on my hip.

Solution: Drive slowly behind the children whilst they trek up to school on their razor scooter things accomplishing some physical exertion for the day.

Draw Back: People who are also attempting to get their kids to school via their car are a bit annoyed by the seeming stalker creeping up the hill behind children who seem to be doing their best to escape (or so it would seem).

New Solution: Bust out the $300+ for a bike trailer stroller combo that I have been eyeing for years. Beautiful isn't it. . .and it is coming to me so soon.

Now if Fernando and I could find some bikes for us. Oh, and some new bikes for the kids since I sold their bikes at the yard sale too.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Men's Bathroom (again)

Being a nursery leader is a riot. Sometimes in the funny way and sometimes in the crazy way. There is fine balance between being a mom to my kids and taking care of my calling. I rely heavily on my kids' obedience and Fernando's quick assistance. We have a small window of time between my nursery clean up and the next ward needing to set up. More often then not they overlap. This freaks me out because many a kid could easily be lost in the confusion.

Today, it was my child. One second I am stacking play dough and the next second she is gone. Up and down the halls we searched. Finally, another father beckoned me to the men's bathroom down the hall. Turns out that Talia felt like she needed to potty and didn't really care about the whole boy/girl problem. The father told me to just go in an get her since he was the only one in the restroom with helping his little son. Talia was in the stall panties on the floor not the least bit concerned. In fact, she was quite proud of herself. Trying not to lose the mound of junk in my hand, I attempt to help her quickly finish. Concerned she would have an accident before we made it to the womans room, I stayed. Finally realizing that she was not in any danger of "losing it", I decide to make the great escape.

Unfortunately, the door that opened and closed a few seconds earlier wasn't my son who had come in to the bathroom. . .oh no. It was some unknown man standing ridiculously close to the urinal. Don't get me wrong, I understand why. Classic! At least I have had practice.