Monday, July 27, 2009

Remembered at the Alamo

After a less then fantastic restaurant experience on the Riverwalk with my dad and kids, we began our trek back to the van. About a block away from the restaurant, Tiago realized that a bathroom visit was so crucial that he began screaming loudly "I have to go potty". The only bathroom that came to mind was the public restroom at the back of the Alamo historical site a good two blocks away. Throwing Talia at my father and grabbing Tiago we raced to through the giggling crowds of people all too aware of the dire circumstances we were in. Tiago did all in his capacity to "hold" it in which in turn made the screaming louder. Poor kid, we were surrounded by running water. Suddenly, Tiago refused to run anymore and insisted that I pick him up.

Aside from the fact that he is getting pretty big, I was already carring the baby backpack, minus the baby, and Tiago squirms were making that option impossible. When we finally made it to the bathrooms, the women's restroom was packed with several ladies waiting quite impatiently in line. I shoved Tiago into the men's room and told him I would wait for him outside. The door shut and the screaming increased in intensity with the thought of using the bathroom without me. The women in line didn't budge or offer to allow a desperate boy the relief he needed. After the 3rd attempt to get him to go, a gentleman watching this show vocalized my thoughts.

"Just go in and help him. It's not like you are going to see anything."

Before I had a chance to think about the repercussions, I bolted into the bathroom, past the urinals and helped Tiago avoid an accident. It wasn't until his screaming stopped that I had the chance to think. First, that man had already come and gone and couldn't vouch for my craziness. Second, all the other men in the bathroom probably (and rightfully so) felt at least shocked if not embarrassed for my presence there. Third, I am pretty sure that it is slightly illegal for me to be in that bathroom (especially since that law hasn't strayed from the insanity of MD laws). Oh well, what was done, was done. I wish I had the courage to walk out with my head held high, but instead I quickly washed my hands and left the men and women outside with a great story to tell.


Kristin said...

A Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do!

Claudia said...

Ha ha! It's a great story for everyone, I guess. This potty training this is quite the adventure, isn't it? Right now we are in the midst of the "pee-pee" game; ie, chase a cheerio around the toilet bowl trying to "hit" it. We figured Theo needed to learn how before he started preschool in a few weeks, but he hates the game, and would rather just sit down. Maybe I just won't let him drink anything at breakfast so he doesn't have to go while he is there...

tylerandmommy said...

HA HA HA HA HA! Thanks for a great laugh! Poor Tiago! If I was in line I would gladly have parted the waves to let you and the screaming boy through. When kids say they gotta go THEY GOTTA GO!

David said...

just think, possibly davy crockett peed in the very same spot as tiago. how cool would that be!

your story reminds me of the time in my mission when elder thorpe and myself were standing at the urinals doing our business, when what to our wondering eyes should appear, but a sister missionary! who apparently didn't bother to pay attention to which bathroom she was walking into. very funny.

Spencer's Adventures said...

That is great! Stories like that are funny when it's not about you. Good for you though. It's better than dealing with wet pants!

student said...

Besides the fact that you will never see any of those people again, or at least recognize them if you do see them, just think, you just provided everyone in the immediate vicinity of that particular restroom a "new story" to tell at their next get-together. So in a way, you actually provided a service, if you want to look at it that way. Way to go Mom!!

TYLERS said...

That is an awesome story... one to tell at his wedding! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Cant believe none of the women let you go ahead of them, that is soo not right!