Thursday, December 23, 2010

Return to Zumba (at least in name)

After Fernando coaxed me into listening to part of a book he is reading (audio style---check it out it is called Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain), I checked out local gym options. I had a free two year membership at our fantastic YMCA that ended in October. The new price tag for each month, $70+, was a bit too much for me to swallow especially considering the distance and mad race I had to get to and from class in time to pick Tiago up from school. Also, if I was going to pay that much, I wanted a few more amenities like a pool to use all year around to do laps.

Against my hesitations on account of the known tv dominated childcare, I checked out the nearby Gold's Gym. The facility was beautiful and huge. The pool was perfect size and the gym offered Zumba as well as the Body Pump and Flow classes. They let me check out Zumba today and boy was I surprised. A man was substituting for the normal class teacher. Zumba can easily be a coed class. It just usually isn't. The man was an amazing street dancer, but it really was kind of disturbing how he used his hand towel to twist whilst he shook his hips during the Belly Dancing inspired song. Almost as equally diverting was a lady who was loving herself. I totally get checking out your moves in the mirror. Go for it. This girl was ogling the mirror. Her shirt, it seems, was such a bother. It kept getting tied shorter and shorter as the class progressed. It even almost was removed entirely at one point.

So do I spend the $320 so for this new place or just buy myself some Zumba Dvds?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rise and Shout

The rocky season for BYU ended at a Peak during the smack down of Bowl game in New Mexico. Too bad we didn't get to be so celebratory at the U of U game we attended over Thanksgiving break.

Not that it wasn't awesome to watch the U get stuffed for the first 3 quarters, but it was so close and strange how we lost. Really, how often to you see a field goal get blocked? Ok, for avid football watchers may be that is more frequent. Regardless, the underrated team did quite well for itself. A funny side note: we went straight from game day fun to Handel's Messiah. I luckily brought a dress to change into because we were bundled up for the chilly afternoon game.