Our busy girl Talia seems anxious to explore any and everything. One can often hear her squealing with glee as she cruises towards any open bathroom door. Which brings us to curious taste tester number one of this past week: the toilet scrubber thingy. You know that bristly cleaning tool to scrub off all the "stuff" you don't want in the throne? I happened to run down stairs for what felt like was a few minutes in order to throw dinner together and heard a crying Talia upstairs. It didn't sound serious so I ignored it as I was almost finished. Not long after, the crying stopped. I figured it was Mia playing with her to help her calm down. To my horror, she wasn't in the toy room with the kids, but in my bathroom. What is nice about our bathroom is that the toilet is actually in its own enclosed room. What is not nice, is that the door to that particular room is left open to help Tiago take care of business on time. Although I did not personally witness it, all evidence pointed to at least a few moments of inspection. As much as I tried to convince myself else wise, I have seen her "investigation" processes on other items. What is that process? Touch with finger tips, grab with hand, shove the object into the mouth and repeat. Seeing as how the brush was found several feet out of the bathroom, she must have crawled with the brush into the main part of the bathroom. This process is usually done with the object in her mouth. I even sniffed her for possible smell matches. Sometimes its better not to know.
Taste tester number two: after library story time, there is a craft. I allowed Talia to crawl around while I helped Tiago make his craft. When I picked her up to leave, I noticed she was gnawing on something. I proceeded to squish her cheeks thinking I would find a discarded Cheerio. Instead I pulled out a decapitated lady bug.
Taste tester number three: At this point, you might be wondering why I let her crawl at all. After my Zumba class Saturday night, I found Talia chomping away on some other kids Binky. Who knows how she managed get it. More then that, it confused me since she gave up on the binky idea by her self several months ago.
Aside from the various things I have seen Talia eats with her two half grown teeth
(and many more I haven't witnessed), she keep s growing and exploring.
She goes up and down our stairs.
She loves to stand and cruise along the furniture. She is figuring out how to say hello and goodbye. She loves music and dances by bouncing up and down. We love having her in our family.