Here are just a few pictures of our little Talia. She's officially half a year old. She loves playing with anything that isn't a toy (and by playing I mean shoving it into her mouth). She doesn't crawl, but she does have a mean push up position, froggie like stomach move, rolls, and undulates all over the room.
She loves any food that we are eating even though she's toothless. She has tried many various foods like pizza crusts, pancakes (as contained in this ingenius device. . .a mesh net that allows for sucking without choking), and thanks to Tiago, peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread as well as chocolate milk (I am sure a few other items have made it into her mouth, but those are visually confirmed by me). Both times occurred while I was driving and Tiago was enjoying a snack. The chocolate milk almost choked her due to the large quantity into a welcoming mouth. When scolded for giving Talia milk, Tiago responded, "Don't worry, it's not milk. . . it's chocolate milk." Talia was unscathed and rather upset when I removed the soaked shirt from her clenched fists and vigorously sucking mouth. No wonder Talia grins everytime she hears Tiago coming. I'm sure it makes up for the maulings that happen multiple times a day in the name of love.
Her eyes are a green/hazel hue and her hair is coming in blond. She giggles and explores and loves to be where the action is. We love our little girl.
Last Sunday, we popped in the Mormon Movie Mountain of the Lord. The story comes from a conglomeration of journal entries from President Woodruff and other pioneers about the building of the Salt Lake Temple over 150 years ago. They were quite riveted with the movie though that might have to do with the minimal video watching that occurs in this house and there was a blowing up scene. Today is Sunday again and I wanted to make some effort in linking our activities with the Sabbath when the train box caught my eye. I suggested that the kids build the train track to help with the temple building effort (if you have seen the movie, you know what I am talking about. If not. . .go watch the movie). I went to my room to feed Talia and listen/eavesdrop on their play. I heard Tiago busily building a dynamic railroad. And Mia was gathering tools to quarry granite from the mountain. I heard her say "We need a screw driver" and then heard chiseling. I wasn't too concerned since the chiseling meant a plastic screw driver on our wall. I then heard a song about temple building and working hard, but can't remember the words. When I came out, I found this railroad
and this Temple.
Mia reported that her temple was a "Temple unto the Lord". I guess kids really do listen to what they watch.
1. My nickname is Higgies. My dad is usually the one who calls me this name though it has been used to name fictional jalopies my sister Angela and I invented. The origin is iffy at best, but supposedly it's because I have cheeks to kiss.
2. I hate my cheering voice. Since my normal voice is very low and is often confused for a man's voice (really it has many times. Don't worry I've coped.) This has held me back from many pursuits: a less confidant cheerleader tryout in high school, lack of desire to go to any games in high school and then in college which still is a regret I have missing all those BYU games, (or unable to cheer my cousin Chad Lewis, you know Eagles star of the almost Super Bowl twice former BYU player cousin Chad Lewis :)). I especially detest the way it sounds when we sing the BYU Fight Song. To compensate, I usually over exaggerate the lowness or do an obviously silly voice. I am getting over it quickly now that I have openly admitted it. Too bad it's a little too late to enjoy the games in person. (at least more then once a year)
3. I was in the New Era. Well, anyone really can do it. But, I did. It just so happened the Q&A section was dealing with something I was struggling with and had a lot to say. You should try. It's fun to run a search on your name (my maiden name Rachelle Cromar) and find a link to yourself.
4. I have played the Carillon Bells at the famous BYU Bell Tower. Yes, there is a live person who plays the bells up there and I got to go up twice. The first time was one a date with Fernando my Freshman year of college. He tried to convince me that someone really plays up in the tower. To prove his point he dragged me and the other couple to the base of the tower and in his loudest voice yelled "Brother Bell Player" until someone poked his head out. It looks like a giant organ with pegs for keys. Brother Bell Player even let us have a go after showing us some techniques. The player clenches his fist and proceeds to slam the pegs in an intricate fashion in order to play.
5. I would love to host a cooking show. Ever since I was old enough to cook by myself, I would pretend that I would be preparing it live on tv. That's right, I would talk to a pretend camera about the recipe I was making. Although I didn't ever see, I am sure my family was weirded out by my apparent lapse of sanity. Unfortunately I lack natural talent in cooking/baking and need to get over my voice issue.
6. I love singing and dancing. Again, not really a natural, but who cares. My favorite calling in the church is Primary Chorister. All the songs are way out of my range. Poor kids, I sing loud and proud anyway. One can often find me improv dancing in my house with my kids watching on in confused amazement. I have taken classes at BYU my favorites being latin ballroom dance. Once my kids are old enough and Fernando is available more, I plan on taking classes again and even attending the BYU Summer Ballroom Dance Camp for adults who can't get over their dancing addictions.
Ok, this is more of a confession then just an unknown. I love blogs and blogging. This mode of communication is my very own reality show. I hop from blogs all the time and love seeing what is going on in other people's lives. It's wonderful to read about their joys and giggle from clever commentary. I never know about the correct etiquette. I feel like I should have a formal invitation in order to keep looking and have their link on my blog. . .what do you think?