Sunday, May 16, 2010

TMI Armpits/BO

So if you have decided to read this post, you are brave. I probably shouldn't be sharing this, but I found it kind of funny. Anyone who knows me well, knows I hate my excessive sweating. These same people have gone to great lengths (not successful by any means) to try to convince me that "it's not that bad" or "everybody sweats". Neither statements are true, but I understand their good intentions. I have come to terms with my sweating and try to convince myself that it is all for the best. I chalk it up to being a humbling factor since nothing else really hinders my ego and my over excessive talking. The armpit sweat just limits my hand gestures to below the elbow movements (most of the time).

Today, in Sacrament meeting, I got a whiff of something nasty in Tiago's hair. I kept smelling it and thinking "man, that's stanky! What on earth would make his hair smell that bad?" Then, I realized where his head had been resting for most of the meeting. . .that's right--my shoulder area. It was so bad that I left church to go home and change. The embarrassment I would have felt and more importantly the offensive smell I would have been sharing all during nursery wasn't necessary. I giggled most of the way home.

It was an excellent choice. 15 kids in nursery for 2 hours with multiple classroom changes and being on tap non stop led to some pretty profuse sweating as it was.