Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tired of Voting?

Well, this is for a great cause. Talia! I entered her into a drawing on facebook. If she gets the most likes, she wins some prize. Here is your job. . .

Soliciting Votes:

There is no random drawing for this contest! It is based purely on votes from your family and friends, as well as our website/YouTube/Facebook visitors.
All voters will need to become a fan of Cute Girls Hairstyles facebook page before they can vote for any photos (see below)

Vote Nov 2-8th!!!
Votes will be counted via the “Like” feature below your photo in our photo contest album B under PUMPKIN


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Who need professional make up artists when your body can pull of this wonderful look?

(scary no?. . .better pictures to come)

Side note: I really could use a good night sleep as you could imagine with eyes that looked like that this morning. Unfortunately, my deepest wish has come true with a vengeance. Every Halloween I think uncharitable thoughts about those "kids" who are capable of growing mustaches and have an hour glass figure and think they still can trick or treat. I always think and sometimes bravely suggest that they should be at a party instead of trick or treating with elementary kids.

I guess they took my suggestion seriously. Two doors down behind my house is a thuggin' sound system and multi colored disco lights bustin' out some serious party music. Really? The neighborhood average age is 8. Turn it down!!