(scary no?. . .better pictures to come)
Side note: I really could use a good night sleep as you could imagine with eyes that looked like that this morning. Unfortunately, my deepest wish has come true with a vengeance. Every Halloween I think uncharitable thoughts about those "kids" who are capable of growing mustaches and have an hour glass figure and think they still can trick or treat. I always think and sometimes bravely suggest that they should be at a party instead of trick or treating with elementary kids.
I guess they took my suggestion seriously. Two doors down behind my house is a thuggin' sound system and multi colored disco lights bustin' out some serious party music. Really? The neighborhood average age is 8. Turn it down!!
whoa~ serious eye-buggage. Sorry :0( Hope you feel better soon!!!
Yikes! Allergies? That's what my eyes look like during the blooming season. Sorry, sure it feels less than great.
you crack me up. and, i thought this was me.
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