One of my favorite primary songs is My Heavenly Father Loves Me. I used to drive up to the Provo Temple with infant Mia and sit on the grass signing this and other songs. (Until I found out that sitting on the front grass of the Temple is illegal.) I would always change the last Me of the song to Mia. Over and over again, we have seen that Mia's faith in everything as produced results. Such was the case this past week.
Mia, the TMA in training, has asked relentlessly to be in some sort of extra curricular activity. She has requested everything from Cheer to gymnastics. There are a lot of expensive options that weren't in the budget right now. Especially since we are gearing up for a mini van. Then at a friend's baby shower, someone randomly mentioned this ballet and tap class that was only $25 a month. The teacher was a professional dancer and taught in a makeshift mini studio in a converted garage near by our home. With only one space left in the class we jumped on it.
Mia loved it and did awesome. She stayed with the class as they practiced the dance they had been working on for several weeks. I loved that the teacher actually taught them technique and real moves for a real dance they will preform.
Prayer one answered.
At the class Mia fell in love with a purple leotard that had an attached ballet skirt. She kept asking for us to find that particular outfit or one that looked like it. I was certain that outfit was from an actual dance store and not from a discount retail wonder such as Target or Walmart. We tried those chains with the assumed results. I checked online and wasn't happy that I would pay more to dress her for her class then the class itself. On the way home from Zumba yesterday, I saw a sign for a nearby children consignment store. Low and behold, there was a purple leotard with attached ballet skirt for just $3. She was more then thrilled to see her new outfits sitting on the stairs and couldn't wait to try them on.
Prayer two answered.
Finally the footwear. Tap and ballet shoes were going to cost at least $30-$40. I called around and even the thrift stores that had them were not much less. I had a fit of inspiration and decided to call a few neighbors who had older girls in dance. They sweetly allowed us to use the shoes for free. You kidding me? Fantastic. This happened late at night while she was asleep and dreaming of the potential of buying dance shoes. This made it all the more fun to place them next to her clothes to find in the morning. Unfortunately it made us late for school. And Tiago fell in love with the tap shoes too.
Prayer three answered. Yes I Know Heavenly Father loves Mia.
Whenever I hear the song of a bird
Or look at the blue, blue sky,
Whenever I feel the rain on my face
Or the wind as it rushes by,
Whenever I touch a velvet rose
Or walk by a lilac tree,
I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world
Heavenly Father created for me.
He gave me my eyes that I might see
The color of butterfly wings.
He gave my ears that I might hear
The magical sound of things.
He gave me my life, mind, my heart;
I thank Him rev’rently
For all his creations, of which I’m a part.
Yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me.
("My Heavenly Father Loves Me," The Children’s Songbook, p. 228)