Tuesday, August 23, 2011


We have embarked on something unfathomable to myself, but hopefully remarkable in results. We are homeschooling. I feel a little out of the norm with both pro-school and the pro-homeschool groups. Needless to say, after much deliberation and agonizing the effects of this decision, we are taking the year away from the brick and mortar school house to travel around hooked into online school via Connections Academy. Who knows, if we can figure out how to make it work, we can become well rounded scholars and produce such greatness as seen below ;).

(funny sidenote: the first day was met with shock and horror when the kids realized that homeschool didn't mean playing all the time. In fact, several requests to return to normal school were made by my kinder/first grader after he had to sit in a chair for more than 5 minutes without games or food or book of choice in front of him. Little does he know that our day of sitting dwarfs in comparison to normal classrooms. Oh well, he'll find out next year)