Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just in Time for Halloween

Each month, I host a recipe exchange. Each month has a theme to which we all prepare our given recipe. This month's theme was an easy pick. If you are interest in the recipes. . .check out the blog at Something Tasty. During the night, people were complaining about the excessive mosquitoes terrorizing our neighborhood. One lady confessed that she loved mosquito bites in comparison to spider bites. Shocked, I blurted out "I have never been bitten by a spider. That must be awful."

Fast forward to this morning. I am out trimming our unruly bushes in my week attempts at being a yard keeper. I had thought to pull out the gardening gloves, but didn't bother since I was planning on keeping a distance with my pruning shears. Lured in by the easy pull out weeds, I stooped to detangle our decorative grass. I swatted away some unseen pest that stung my wrist. I was irked by the apparent return of the mosquitoes. As the wound began to fester and swell and burn and cause a sort of tingling sensation, I realized that no mosquito bit me.

I finished my misshaping project and went to google my injury. Not promising. Every site listed my symptoms as worrisome to say the least. Too bad I hate going to the doctor just to feel like I am some strange hypochondriac, but at the same time, I love having two opposable thumbs. The scary reality is I have killed a few black widows and brown angry looking spiders and we live in scorpion territory. All my in house Doctor (aka Fernando) suggests is to monitor its "progress".

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Croup and Flu

Sickness is really inconvenient. Not that being sick is ever a joy, it adds an extra dash of annoyance when it cuts into plans. For example, the camping trip that I actually became excited for---cancelled. Gym attendance or in other words Zumba attendance---impossible. Worst of all, Nursery calling----unable to preform.

I know, who loves serving in the nursery? I do. I have been so excited for my calling and the plans I have had to get it off and running. It just seems like every foot forward gets outweighed by the circumstances that set us five steps back. 2 out of the 3 leaders were MIA (one to a family vacation and me to croupy kids). I luckily found some amazing substitutes and proceeded to outline in detail the whole 2 odd hours. I also snuck me and the kids into the church during Sacrament meeting to set up the rooms so there was one less thing my subs had to do.

You may ask, why all the kafuffle over sitting around with toys and food? Well, I have, in perfect Rachelle form, created a sort of convoluted marathon I lovingly refer to as Nursery. Between room rotations, toy stations, music and body movement class, and just the set up for all of it, there was too much to explain and expect, but the subs were troupers. Hopefully our over two week sickness hiatus ends soon, because I ready to "Get'cha Head in the Game" --Troy Efron