Sunday, October 18, 2009

Croup and Flu

Sickness is really inconvenient. Not that being sick is ever a joy, it adds an extra dash of annoyance when it cuts into plans. For example, the camping trip that I actually became excited for---cancelled. Gym attendance or in other words Zumba attendance---impossible. Worst of all, Nursery calling----unable to preform.

I know, who loves serving in the nursery? I do. I have been so excited for my calling and the plans I have had to get it off and running. It just seems like every foot forward gets outweighed by the circumstances that set us five steps back. 2 out of the 3 leaders were MIA (one to a family vacation and me to croupy kids). I luckily found some amazing substitutes and proceeded to outline in detail the whole 2 odd hours. I also snuck me and the kids into the church during Sacrament meeting to set up the rooms so there was one less thing my subs had to do.

You may ask, why all the kafuffle over sitting around with toys and food? Well, I have, in perfect Rachelle form, created a sort of convoluted marathon I lovingly refer to as Nursery. Between room rotations, toy stations, music and body movement class, and just the set up for all of it, there was too much to explain and expect, but the subs were troupers. Hopefully our over two week sickness hiatus ends soon, because I ready to "Get'cha Head in the Game" --Troy Efron


Emily said...

Oh My, so sorry that the kiddos are sick--here is to a speedy recovery!

David said...

get well soon!

student said...

Sorry your kids are sick. Give them my love, and can I join your nursery?

Windy said...

So sorry to hear! Thanks for the family picture comment!! Hope all is well, I really miss the old ward!