Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Wrap

I started out the season with a Bang! This year was going to be magical and meaningful. I planned daily devotionals that blended the Spirit of the Season and focus on Christ with the whimsical activity. The bang fizzled slightly as the month went on. I got sort of side tracked with the idea of moving this next June. We completely changed 5 rooms in the house which included moving several book laden bookshelves, a piano, a couch, and looking like Mayhem driving home with a queen size mattress from Costco (an hour drive on back roads to minimize chances of the mattress flying off. . .more later about that). I gutted out 6 closet spaces and reorganized them (which isn't my strongest point). We power washed our fence (thanks to all the Tovar family for the help with that mess) and painted the garage. Fernando even put up some hanging storage in the garage and we began that organization process. New lights went up and I began staining the fence.

Family gifts were made and never mailed. Christmas cards produced and yet were sent out very late or not at all for some friends (sorry). I didn't cook the Turkey all the way for Christmas dinner and almost blundered Christmas Eve dinner altogether. Still, it was great for me and hopefully the kids. Merry Christmas!