As if he knew that it was the most convenient time, our newest Tovar decided to make his enterance early Tuesday morning at 3:18 am. Weighing the smallest of the group at 8 lbs 6 oz., Joaquin (pronounced wah KEEN) Alonso has already proved to live up to his names' meaning: God will establish--noble and ready.
I had been having random but slightly uncomfortable contractions all day on Monday which made me only bitter I confess because I felt like the contractions were taunting me (ok not really but slightly sure that they weren't leading me anywhere). I kept myself busy all day to keep my mind off of things. That night I was a little concerned about how uncomfortable they were getting and yet how irregular they still were. Fernando convinced me that it was better to be safe than sorry. By the time we got to the hospital they were closer, but still irregular. I could barely walk or talk through them. The nurses in triage weren't convinced and talked to me about how I would need to be sent home if I wasn't dilated.
I expressed concern about my last delivery (Talia was a torpedo) so they were willing to check my progress. Sure enough I was a five and almost fully effaced. Luckily, one of the doctors took a little more precaution and wanted me set up in the room as soon as possible. Still unable to read my contractions on the fancy contraction machine, they waltzed around for the next 30 minutes. FInally the anesthesiologist came in to help ease my pain. Unfortunately, he was a little nervous as he is friends with Fernando and Fernando did a bit of talking up before he began the process. It took a painful amount of times and pokes before it was set, but it was the best epidural I have ever had. The doctor came in with the idea of ample time until she checked me again and I was at a 10 and ready to deliver.
3 contractions later, out popped our boy. He is beautiful and has a sweet disposition. He slept for most of the first day which was more than I did, but that is always the part of the parent.