Monday, January 19, 2009

So long Christmas

Information and communication is vital for a successful life. When one moves into a new area, they rely on various sources to function in that new community. It is important to know where the nearest stores and banks and post offices are located. It is essential to know when your trash will be picked up. And, for those states who love mother earth, the recycling pick up dates as well. Sometimes one forgets to ask the all important questions like "What do we do with our dead Christmas tree?" I knew well enough that I couldn't sneak the 8-9ft (as labeled at the lot) kindling into the trash nor did I want to since it could be mulched. I had to turn to the source of all wisdom: GOOGLE. (they should pay me for that) The search was murky, but I finally found a somewhat clear answer. Unfortunately, I read it wrong and missed our date to put our bonfire waiting to happen out on the curb. It sat for weeks waiting to move on. I finally dragged it to the Civic and pulled out a small saw. The kids enjoyed watching mom whittle away at the tree. Tip for the next person needing to fit an over sized tree into a compact car's trunk, wear gloves. Those dry needles are well like needles.
Mia wanted to give it a go. Yes I realize that the helmet isn't really going to prevent her from cutting her leg off. . .she just got off her bike.

I drove it to the Bitters Road Recycling Station which had an eerie stillness like it was set up to shoot a suspense movie. Staffed with random but silent workers and a small group of people anxious to load their trucks with free Christmas tree mulch, I was unsure of what I needed to do. No one really knew anything and didn't really care to communicate that lack of knowledge. Oh, well. I dropped the tree off in some clippings heap and the kids loved seeing the big machinery. I was the smallest vehicle there, but I completed my own Honey Do List item in time to go to the gym and clean the house. Here is where one could do the snap and arm wave of "You Go Girl!" glory.


Lynn said...

You should have brought it over to our place - ben would have torched it for you. Burn ban nonetheless.

Leah said...

Oh my gosh - there is no end to your amazingness. That needs to be the storyline for a sitcom. Amazing.

student said...

Wow, and safe besides. Way to go Mom and Mia!!

Unknown said...

Your blog is great! I love the way you write! And, your kids are adorable. Sorry it's taken me so long to leave a comment, I don't know what my deal is!