Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rise and Shout

The rocky season for BYU ended at a Peak during the smack down of Bowl game in New Mexico. Too bad we didn't get to be so celebratory at the U of U game we attended over Thanksgiving break.

Not that it wasn't awesome to watch the U get stuffed for the first 3 quarters, but it was so close and strange how we lost. Really, how often to you see a field goal get blocked? Ok, for avid football watchers may be that is more frequent. Regardless, the underrated team did quite well for itself. A funny side note: we went straight from game day fun to Handel's Messiah. I luckily brought a dress to change into because we were bundled up for the chilly afternoon game.


scott and tara said...

We're so glad you got to be there to enjoy that great ending to the Cougs' year!!! Merry Christmas :)

David said...

how fun that you got to go! i'm glad they won, but it was not a great year!

I love handel's messiah!

student said...

Rise and shout for sure. Let's make the trip to see the Cougars play at home an annual event.