Wednesday, March 17, 2010

May be Not So Good Samaritan

Wednesdays are commissary days. For those who are unfamiliar with military bases, a commissary is a grocery store available for military id card holding people (so glad I found that card). I have yet to find a calm time to visit the commissary and most frequently find myself shopping with the gerontologically advanced. Today was no different. I try to be aware of their shopping so as to make myself available for hard to reach items. "I can't do everything, but I can do something."

As I made the final turn into the frozen section, my eyes caught sight of a sweet grey haired woman with a slight sloop to her posture. A bit frazzled and confused she searched in vain for some limeade. Never you fear, I am taller and more limber (on good days) and I will find your limeade. Sure enough, on the top back shelf, 4 tiny limeade concentrates were available for the taking. She graciously thanked me and even told me how such actions should more than count for helping the elderly. I smiled and retorted with something along the lines of "no problem ma'am, just doing my job" and tipped my proverbial cowgirl hat. Then while I raided the freezer for minute maid oj that was actually under a $1 she said, "I feel bad telling you this, but I feel like I must. . . I needed the limeade for the daiquiri's I am making tonight." Laughing I responded with "Well, I am not sure about how to make daiquiri's but I am sure if I knew that was what they were for, I wouldn't of helped!" We giggled together and wished each other well. She left feeling loved, I left with a guilty conscience for enabling alcohol consumption. I guess that teaches me to be willing to serve!

I really don't feel bad about helping her. I just hope that she doesn't decide to pop too many of her concoctions and end up as one of the many St. Patty drinkers who will keep Fernando up working all night tonight.


student said...

You did the right thing. And really, if she has lived to be that age, she must be semi-responsible with her drinking, what ever the concoction is. Keep up the good work.

Lynn said...

Funny! At a ward activity recently some of the 80+ something ladies thought it was funny to use fake names on their nametags - thus Dorothy became Nicole, Edith became Lindsay and so on. Those funny ladies with their sassy "new" names made me think that even though our bodies age we can still have a fun and youthful spirit even in old age. Daquari's or no daquari's.