Sunday, March 14, 2010

Little Miss

I am up way too late. . .again. After watching two episodes of hoarders and searching webmd for the answer to my annoying cough, I began looking for spring break activities. Then I figured I should sync them to my phone so I don't forget about them during the week. This syncing process always brings up the photo application. When I stumbled across these gems:

These pictures of Little Miss Mia remind me of all the sweet times we shared together. I can't believe that she is already in school and we are trying to figure out things to do during her spring break.


tylerandmommy said...

Awww she is SO cute! She is still so cute, but those pictures are precious! I hope you have copies on your computer too so when your phone is gone you still have them!

student said...

I can't believe how she has grown. What a wonder she is!!

Emily said...

Um, could she be any more expressive or DARLING. xoxo mia!!!

Kevin and Kristen said...

She is such a sweet girl. Those are cute pictures of her, especially the phone conversation.

Lisa Christine said...

Those first photo's looked like they were taken around the same time Donald, David and I stopped by to see you in MD. They grow fast...

Lynn said...

What a great face!