Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break

Goal before this week came: daily adventures with memories galore. Reality: everyday has turned into a normal Saturday which includes cleaning and the occasional random bit of fun and park enjoyment. But really just a whole lot of down time, gym attendance, and even a grocery shopping trip. Some of my favorite fun moments have been (in no particular order):

washing the cars cause who doesn't love random accidents involving a misguided hose

making green eggs and ham (a Mia plan well conceived and executed almost solely by her, but highly suspicious to Tiago and Talia as for edibility)
(she was assuring me how good they were going to be)

sprinklers, bubbles, and chalk used simultaneously and with a hint of aboriginal inspiration (chalk+water=dried mess on skin)

removing training wheels and trying to teach Mia to ride big girl style while trying to keep Talia on the sidewalk (sorry no pictures. . .I could barely keep track of not getting either girl serious injured. Note to self, one on one session probably are more productive)

rolling down our front yard's slight slope and trying to be gracious losers (not pretty was the strange rash that developed on Mia's leg later that night.) and then attempting to fly a unbraced kite in the perfect kite flying wind. Also without pictures due to the shear spontaneity of the kids' imaginations

And although night float mean Fernando lives in a sleep hayes for most of the day, it's nice to have him every once in awhile whether it's jump roping,
trampoline cuddling.

or enjoying an interpretive dance session with the wig ladies

1 comment:

student said...

Way too cute. Thanks for sharing.