Monday, July 6, 2009


First, thanks to all those who gave us input on the stuck situation. I didn't realize until after the post how awkward that could have been. We kept the dark shelves with I was hoping would happen which meant we returned the fan for a less expensive one and found a better storage option for our DVD's as shown here.

I thought it would be a perfect place to put our BYU helmet to help accent the theme we were going for.

What ended up being the nicest turn of events was the aforementioned fan. First, I barely made it to the store in time before closing. I even left my trunk open to make sure I got in on time. Because of all the stuff we bought a few days ago, we received a $10 off coupon. The store also happened to be having a $20 gift card rebate for fans that were $99 or more. Using the $10 made me lose the $20 gift card so I bought 4 energy efficient candelabra based lights for the fan with the $10 and still got the gift card. Confused? Me too, and I was there. Don't worry. Just be happy with me for the great deal. Then I went down a few stores to return another item just before that store closed. And finished by picking up the much needed milk and cereal and bananas at Target for commissary prices. Target just so happened to be a few more stores down and was about to close. I felt efficient, environmentally friendly, and happy to be one step closer to making our house feel like our home.


tylerandmommy said...

Sounds like a successful outing, even though I don't get the whole $10 gift card situation. Anyhow GOOD FOR YOU! I can't wait to see the finished room!

student said...

I love those sequence of events that leave you feeling productive, effecient, and very orgnized. I would love to see a picture of the entire room, put together.

student said...

Wow on the spelling!!