Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mia's Dance Recital

So sometime in March, we enrolled Mia in a dance class. This was her first formal dance instruction and yet she did a pretty good job keeping up with the other girls who started months earlier on the dances and had been with this dance teacher for two years now. It was fun to watch as she tried out the new moves and would add them into her spontaneous dances at home. Last weekend she preformed in her dance recital with a little reserve and a whole lot of curly boof and hair spray (man she has a lot of hair). I was in charge of the music which was funny in and of itself. No one dared to tell me that it could have been a little louder. I couldn't tell. I thought it was plenty loud, but I was right next to the speakers.

Needless to say, the show went on. Fernando was there!!! and was the camera man while trying to hold Talia. Not an easy task. Things I would do different next time: Set aside practice time daily to help her realize that practice is a valuable and necessary thing; bring flowers or something else to help her feel more important.

Thanks for the entertainment girl!


student said...

BROVO MIA!! SHe is a natural, great drama and great extension. I predict this will not be her last dance performance. We will look forward to seeing many more in the future. Thanks Dad, for baby sitting and filming at the same time. Job well done.

AMy said...

you can tell she really enjoys dancing and performing....she is so cute and so creative. i love her style.

Emily said...

love the pink nails.

she is darling I would have given her a trophy too!

Emily said...

and a natural dancer like her mommy! (and daddy too!)

tylerandmommy said... as much as I wanted to see your little girl dance, I should NOT have watched the video. Don't get me wrong - she did great, and I love the extra "gusto" on her spins, but how old is she? Her teacher is introducing some pretty advanced steps like buffalo and arabesque turns... Anyway, that is just me the critical teacher. Mia is GREAT and I love the sparkly skirts.

Kristi, Liezl, Quincy, Ava, Cora, and Josh said...

Liezl loved the show! So did Quincy. Great job Mia.

The Curtis Family said...

so none of the rest of us will have a chance to have beautiful...EXCELLENT... dancers like your children! It's just in their DNA! Good for you guys! So cute!

Kevin and Kristen said...

Bravo Mia, and a trophy too! It's cute how little girls just like to dance.


TMA baby!! Here she comes... finger nail polish, hairspray, and SEQUINS! I got such a kick watching her dance. So very cute! Thanks for posting.

Lisa Christine said...

I love little dance recitals! We have one next weekend :)

Congrats Mia! Great job! What a fabulous trophy!

David said...

nice cinematography fernando! good dancing mia!

hey, did you hear that families have to say goodbye to their missionaries outside the MTC now? Drop them off at the curb and that's it. No more meeting together inside.

Emily said...

I'm sorry~ I just had to come back to this post. I love you Mia!