Sunday, May 31, 2009


On Sunday's, I force everyone to take a nap. This is mainly for my sake so I can feel better about conking out for an hour or so. Today was no different. Fernando had been crashing since he came home from work Sunday morning. Tiago and Mia were willingly laying in submission and Talia was placed in her crib. I decided to read some scriptures to catch any attempts at escaping. Finally, I felt safe enough to close my eyes.

Suddenly, I felt this presence and opened my eyes to see Mia staring at me. Kind of creepy, but my kids have been doing that to me forever and I still am getting used to it. I told her to find something quiet to do and closed my eyes again. Some time elapsed (I think it was only a minute or so, but sleep tweaks with your idea of time). Mia came back in confused about some weird things in Talia's crib.

At first I thought Talia had thrown up, but Mia would know what that was. I raced to the room to find the plastic garbage bag in her crib with all it's contents dumped out. I immediately grabbed Talia out of the bed and took her into another room since Tiago was still asleep in their room. I dropped to my knees that thanked my Heavenly Father fervently for protecting our little girl. For blessing Mia with a short nap and the intrigue to see what Talia was giggling about in her crib.

This scenario could have turned out in such a horrific way, but didn't. Earlier that day Fernando, with very limited details, told me of the poor child that lost it's life last night in the ICU. He and the other doctors see many things and could hardly bare this tragedy. I thought of the poor family that was told last night that their infant didn't make it out of the accident their child was in. I thought of how many times my children could have easily been seriously injured or killed, but have been watched over.

I am beyond grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who has blessed us with His care. I know that for some reason she was saved. Some how Talia did not do what she normally does which is puts everything on her head. I hope that she is with us for many years to come.


Claudia said...

I'm so glad everyone is okay. Talia is a precious angel - and Mia is an awesome big sister for taking care of her.

Kristi, Liezl, Quincy, Ava, Cora, and Josh said...

Thank you for this beautiful post. It is amazing what our kids live through. Thanks for the reminder of how blessed we are.

student said...

How grateful I am, too, that Talia was not hurt. Life is so precious, and should be relished everyday. I love you and your family.

The Moving Circus said...

Wow what a blessing... What a great reminder that Heavenly Father is aware of us always.

David said...

Hooray for Mia!

AMy said...

how scary... but i am inspired by you because you dropped to your knees and showed gratitude for the safety of are such a good example.

Emily said...


love the picture of talia as a bebe--she has grown so much, I can't wait to see her.

How scary, though. What a blessing.

Lynn said...

Being a parent is hard and scary - luckily the worrying moments get balanced out by dance recitals and trips to sea world...maybe it doens't exactly balance out but it helps.