Saturday, April 11, 2009

Got Milk?

Oh, the joys of drinking through a straw. A much cleaner way to get hydrated.


David said...

i love those straws that are bendable! much more interesting than the straight ones! and it's fun to blow into the straw and make bubbles in the drink. do your kids ever try that?

AMy said...

send tahlia to stay in michigan for awhile...i just want to squeeze on her!

The Moving Circus said...

She is so cute!!!

TOVAR said...

I tried to get a picture when she was blowing the milk bubbles, but I was too enthralled by the magic that I didn't grab the camera. I still love blowing milk bubbles. Sadly, not everyone allows that at their houses so I just stopped allowing it in our home to prevent unnecessary discipline problems.

student said...

Sooo cute!