Thursday, April 9, 2009

Are you Pregnant?

Today, in Zumba, I couldn't help but notice this cute pregnant lady getting her groove on. She seemed fairly far along, but really quite agile for her condition. After class, I made my way over to the teacher to ask her about some of the music for the class. I wanted to tell the pregnant lady how good she looked and how inspiring she was for all of us. With a big smile and cheerful voice I tried to reassure her that she didn't look awkward. Then I asked, "When are you due?" Her face abruptly changed, but she sheepishly replied, "Oh, I'm not pregnant. But I am trying to lose the baby weight." I did a quick up and down and then gave her a weird hug to hide my embarrassment. Then, to cover up the awkward feelings, I asked "How long ago did you have your baby?"

Are you kidding me? What moron follows up with that question and expects a better result? Well, me.

Surprise, her youngest is 8 years old! That's right! Eight long years of gym going blown by some stupid ditz in the Zumba class.

I proceeded to make matters worse by trying to let her feel complimented that she looked young enough to appear to be pregnant. Truth be told, she looked about 30 even though she was really 46. Lucky!

About 3 years ago, a nice Home Depot employee began a conversation with me with the sentence, "You and I are about the same age. When I graduated high school in 1980. . . " Too bad I was born in 1980. The misconception I had about looking ok without make up or doing my hair was swiped away quite quickly. At least I know kind of how hideous I made that nice lady feel.

While I was busy destroying people's confidence, Talia was contentedly playing in the gym daycare. I was shocked. Usually I am pulled from my class to find Talia screaming and blotchy faced. I hope this is a sign of something better to come.


David said...


So the Home Depot guy put you in your early to mid 40s? The other day at the store, a little kid in a shopping cart called out to me "excuse me old man"

I guess we all have embarrassing moments. I remember stopping a guy on campus at BYU and striking up a conversation, thinking he was an old friend I hadn't seen in years. I swear, he looked a lot similar.

I soon realized upon noticing this fellow's blank expression that I had made a big mistake and was making a fool of myself. It was very embarrassing.

AMy said...

all i can do is laugh! thanks for the gut-buster this morning...i needed it :) {laughing harder than i have for a long time!}

scott and tara said...

Oh my! That is a very unfortunate story, but that happens to us all at one point or another...

tylerandmommy said...

LOL for you, not for her. There is this lady in my ward that I *thought* was pregnant but didn't dare ask, in case I ended up in that situation. She just had her baby, so I would have been ok, but you never know. What on earth is ZUMBA btw?

Kristin said...

having just been pregnant and still looking pregnant I just have to say Oh dear, oh dear....One time I asked a lady at church when she was due and just as the words were out of my mouth I saw the carseat....I quickly rephrased the question to "when was your due date and when was your baby born?" - Striking up a conversation about babies due dates, etc. It kind of worked but I learned to just avoid the topic altogether. I've also done my share of lecturing men like my husband and his friends after a random neighbor who had never spoken to me before saw me at 6 months pregnant and exlaimed "You look like you're about to EXPLODE!" I just gave him a look like "I pity your wife" and walked in my house. Anyway, I'm glad you shared your story to further remind me to just never go there! :)

Lisa Christine said...

I was going to ask someone the other day when they were due....but then I decided against it just in case! Donald had a horrible experience a few years ago that was similar to yours. He ran into an old classmate and asked when she was baby.
He was horrified and now says he will NEVER ask a woman when she is due.....even if it looks like she is 9 months along!


The Moving Circus said...

That is so funny... we miss you guys and cute Talia!!!

ZooMom said...

Oh my - I am soooooo sorry. We've all put our foot in our mouth (or down past our pyloric sphincter) at some time in our lives. At least you're brave enough to tell the rest of the world.

David said...

is it going to be awkard going to zumba again, in case she is there?

Leah said...

Ha ha, well, at least some people can know they will avoid the embarassment part at least with me - when at 6 weeks post-partum a store clerk said he'd help the "pregnant woman", I did an awkward smile then just went out in the car and cried. Ahh, okay, maybe that didn't make you feel better. It never ends.....

Becca said...

I've been known to put my foot in my mouth a few times. Yeah, though for Talia! I hope to start coming to Zumba on Thursdays.

student said...

A good sense of humor is vital to our survival!!