Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Conspiracy Theory

Do you remember this post or this one? Well, it seems that we aren't the only family who has been inconvenienced by a dysfunctional automatic garage door. Fernando tried to tell me about this government interference and I just laughed for a really long time. Then other people began telling me about this mysterious interference and I lightly chuckled. As we tried (and failed) various fix it your self techniques, I was ready to believe this conspiracy. The nail in the preverbal coffin was this news brief informing all of us in the radius of the NSA our garage doors aren't going to work anytime soon. We "have two options: either retrofit their doors to change the frequency, at a cost of $50-$125, or wait and see if the NSA decides to change their frequency." LAME!!

When I break things even by accident, I fix it. Instead, this National Security Agency has found the loop hole of the law that says our garage doors are unauthorized and thereby not their responsibility. What about the Garage Door Company. . .they are thrilled that we have to buy new stuff from them to make it work! Did I say LAME! Obviously none of these people have come home with groceries and grumpy/sleeping kids and have to turn off the car to walk into the house and open the garage door from the wall unit.


Emily said...

Conspiracy, indeed!

student said...

Sounds like we can all sleep well at night because we are well regulated and protected.


I am with you...


So sorry.