Thursday, January 21, 2010

Simple fixes

The weather here has been delicious. We have been waking up in a timely manner which allows us to walk Mia up to school in the mornings, which is a much missed tradition. I usually only sport our garage door opener to make for easy access in and out of the house. This morning was no different. When I finally made it home after my hour + long conversation with some friends, I pushed my easy access button and went inside. Later, when the siren songs of beautiful weather pulled me to the park, I was shocked to find a non functioning garage door opener.

I can't tell you how grateful I was to have the garage door opener fail us post shower and post fed and napped kids. I resolved to get a new battery at the store after fun park playing and call it a day. Only problem, the new battery did jack squat. Fernando fiddled with it and amazing made our fancy built in the van car opener somewhat work, but strangely the openers are still a bit finicky.

While this was going on in the garage, I decided to get some laundry done. After loading some very stinky clothes, I push the on button. BUZZ! My washer wanted nothing to do with starting up. I fiddled and reset and did all the searching for solutions on line. I even reset the outside breaker. Nothing. My last resort was to see if something was catching things up on the inside. I moved the clothes around and found nothing out of the ordinary. Upon shutting the door, I pushed the on button one more time. BINGO! I guess my front loading washer has no problem starting just so long as you shut the door all the way. If only our garage door could be solved so simply.


Claudia said...

Those front loaders can be finicky, can't they? My dryer in particular only likes to have it's door shut a certain way.

Our last battle with our garage door opener resulted in us discovering that the emergency release was irreparably broken. While I wasn't excited about replacing it, I was grateful to find out the emergency release was broken before we encountered an actual emergency. My thoughts on your current problem: check the sensor alignment at the bottom of the door - sometimes they are out of whack; check the main control box of your garage door opener - ours has a lockout feature that renders the remotes inoperable, and is activated by pushing a button so that the only way to open the garage is from inside the garage (sorry about that, Joshua); and if all else fails, replacement openers are available at places like home depot and are fairly easy to program - but check those other things first!

David said...

we have had rain rain rain for days!!

student said...

I am so glad you shared your "trials" because when the same thing happens to me, I know you be able to tell me your solution.