Monday, March 30, 2009

Turtle Talk

In kindergarten, Mia has been learning all sorts of things. It amazes me she can do in less the year of schooling. I love hearing her read. She has always loved books, including a math book she found at my parents' house when she was 15 months. Now, she can actually read them (well, probably not the graphing calculator math books).

Apart of reading, is learning to write. Turtle talk is spelling from sounding out the words. Mia has made many a card and special coupons for friends to come over to the house. Sometimes it takes me a bit to figure it out which makes it even more fun. See how well you do at this card Mia made yesterday:


Dear Mom and Dad, Mia wrote you a little sentence. A chick was having fun with a bunny.

She told me that the sentence was about the two stickers she put on the card the little chick with a flower and the bunny in the corner. Cute huh?


Lance said...

She is getting so big. I can't believe how creative she is. Something tells me that she I I will bet along quite swell as she grows older...{I may just be her favorite auntie}

Lance said...

oh snap! I did it with lance's account. I honestly wondered how you didn't notice if you were on Fernandos account...appearantly I am eating my thoughts now :)

Claudia said...

Oh, she is a smart girl! I am impressed about the work she is doing in kindergarten!

David said...

you know, Mia's spelling of 'rote' actually makes more sense to me than 'wrote.' what is the 'w' for?

Lisa Christine said...

Very cute! And I totally relate! Alexandra has her own blog now and while she is quite good with her spelling, sometimes she has be stumped and I have to ask for the translation.

I hadn't heard the term 'turtle talk' before. I think I'll adopt that :)

Spencer's Adventures said...

Way cute! It is so fun to watch them learn how to read and write.

student said...

Lance as the favorite antie had me very puzzled until I read the next "Lance" entry. Even so, it may be.