Saturday, August 2, 2008

That's gonna leave a mark

Why is it that during the most inopportune time, disaster strikes? Picture it. . .me home alone with three kids and Fernando is on call. This is a very common scenario so let's spice it up some. Add into the mix two neighbor friends whose mom is doing her RS Presidency duties. These kids are good kids, but I wasn't ready for the influx of energy. Some how in the short hour or so time I was babysitting, Tiago supermanned himself from the couch to the end table (must be made of kryptonite seeing as how is gashed right into his eyebrows). I was unable to witness this since I was assisting a naked friend into the bathroom. I had a surround sound of screams. The little neighbor shocked to see Tiago's bloody brow, Mia concerned that they were showing their sacred body, and Talia, getting bad vibes from the whole situation, added her own unique yelps. Strangely, my biggest concern was that he would have to have stiches and that would equal a painfully long visit to the ER.

To hopefully avoid this predicament, I phoned another neighbor who is a Doctor and he came right on over. One of the many bonuses of living in our neighborhood is that every other house has a doctor of one kind or another. Diagnosis: call Fernando so he can sneak out of the hospital with some Dermabond and be done with it. He kindly paged Fernando who contacted us. Just then the other mom came home. Poor her. I had to explain how her child had a little potty accident and that we had to leave due to Tiago's accident. I could only imagine what my face looked like as I was trying to remain calm and collected.

Just as the doctor ordered, Fernando bonded our kid's head there by getting a magical chance to see daddy and avoiding the ER at nighttime. The next day, Fernando had hopes of stitching it up, but the Dermabond wouldn't budge.



I was waiting to hear that Dr Tovar stitched up his son on the new kitchen table... maybe next segment of "adventures in babysitting" :)

poor Tiago

Anjuli Fry said...

Wow! What a story to tell his wife someday!!! I hope he is recovering ok!!

AMy said...

You poor thing...Rachelle you need a vaca or a day at the spa... And I guess poor Tiago too :)

Lynn said...

owwwww. is it bad that the pictures and the story made me chuckle?

student said...

Wow, he is really sporting some serious evidence of a fall. Give him a hug for me, and give you a hug for me, too. I know Tiago may not agree right now, but I am sure it hurt Mom almost as much as it hurt Tiago. Great neighbors.

The Moving Circus said...

Ouch. Why is it that it always happens when daddy is on call or gone. We have had to use derma bond for my accident prone little boy many times!!! Supper glue works well too. I have been able to get past being squeemish and do it myself.