Thursday, July 31, 2008

When plans go awry

Yesterday I made one of those insignificant, but wrong choices. This happens to me frequently. Such choices may involve picking what you think will be the short line at the drive up banking only to realize that the person in front of you is cashing in quarters and can only send 5 at a time. Or in the grocery store when you hop in the short line behind the lady who wants a price check on every other item and it's the clerk's first day on the job. Or trying to take the quick route to your destination that ends up being three time longer than the first option. Again, it isn't the end of the world just kind of annoying.

Back to yesterday. I had two main choices for the day's events. One: Story time down town with Miss Anastasia. Proven entertainment and the perfect day to do such. The weather was mild and the water fountains are always exciting. You can see for yourself how much fun the kids have at the Main Plaza Conservancy.

Option two: Big Top indoor play gym that seemed like a very active sort of fun. Plus the day was a discount day. (big flaming clue to avoid it) This seemed the better of the two as my kids had a lot of pent up energy from being inside all day for several days in a row. We drove the 30 minutes only to find an over crowded, not letting anyone in until someone leaves, sign your name up and have your kids watch other kids play situation. This puts me in a precarious place. If we don't wait, the kids feel jilted. If we do wait, the kids wonder why they aren't able to go in. If we leave after waiting, what a waste. I tried all three only to leave with a screaming/protesting Tiago and Mia explaining how really we could be playing inside instead of leaving and wasting all her time coming. To make matters slightly more awkward, Tiago who is potty training, had an accident. I didn't mind cleaning it up, but there was no way that I was picking him up before I could change him. (not the easiest slip to the car with three kids that I have been involved in). To top it all off, after we left and finally made it to the car to change Tiago and after getting everyone mostly loaded, three or four moms left which could have made our wait 30 mins shorter. Not appealing enough for me. It was almost nap time, we still had another 30 mins to go and I didn't bring any lunch. On top of all that, I realized that we were very close to the Temple, but I had no clue how to get there. As loser mom feelings crept in, I saw a beacon in the distance. The red and white Luby's sign. We ended the bad choices in a Denny's done Texas style and blue jell-O. Yeah, not what I was going for, but they did go down for naps so I guess the desired end result was the same.


AMy said...

I guess the whole joy in the journey is harder on days like these, but at least you can look in the mirror and see a fabulous hair-do!

Becca said...

I'm so sorry that you had that experience, and I'm the one that told you about it. Hopefully, that won't happen again. I hope plans don't go awry like this again.

Kristi, Liezl, Quincy, Ava, Cora, and Josh said...

I feel really guilty, but I love this post. I'm sorry you had a hard day, but you were able to make lemonade out of the lemons you were dealing with. I also liked when Mia tried to tell you the reasons you could stay, in a diplomatic way.

P.S. Josh says to tell you that your plans will go awry again on Nov 22.

The Jones--trying to keep up said...

Rachelle, just call on days like that and hit the pool with us after nap time--I'm telling you the hot sun melts away any stress that you've gone through. Or you could come and hit the pool with us before naptime (we're not 1/2 hour away are we?:) I'll make some J-ello for you guys anytime you'd like. We love playing with the Tovars.

student said...

These are the kind of stories that make for the best telling. It is always nice to move on to a new day, Yes?