Thursday, January 31, 2008

May Be Not

So as an addendum to the previous post, I did try the vacuum trick and it was very successful. It didn't produce the earring, but it did eliminate any sorrow for losing it. You see the vacuum technique probably works best when done as soon as the item rolls down the sink. I attempted the retrieval several hours after said incident occurred. The vacuum was able to pull up lots and lots of various colored and smelly gunk that was caked all over my sink pipes. This in turn (surprisingly several turns) made me think. . ."once I do get the earring, is there any amount of sterilization that would help me comfortably put that earring back into my daughters ear?" and "how can I explain to my daughter why her ear had to be amputated after I insisted on putting a bacteria ridden piece of jewelery in her flesh?" The vacuuming stopped and I ran the water in that sink just for future protection of my own body. I could just see me thinking how easily I could get it out if I would just open the pipes. So I bid a happy farewell to the earring. I have a theory though. I think that the water flushing through the pipes still didn't dislodge that earring. I think the gunk has claimed its next victim and gratefully it wasn't my face while removing the pipes.


AMy said...

nothing spells closure like nasty pipe-cake. I was gearing up to have to give you the "Sometimes we have to say goodbye to our friends sooner than we wanted" talk. weouw! Did you tell Mia her earring was going to be ressurected? {that was maybe a tad is not meant to be}

student said...

Next time grab the vacuum quicker and maybe you can claim the earing before the growing "what ever it is that grows in the pipes gunk" wraps its gooey arms around its new victum. I'm not sure I would even want to touch the earing that went on a wild adventure, much less put it in anyones ear that I cared about. All in all the new earings are lovely, and we learned a new retrieval technique - thanks to Mia and her Momma and an earing.


I'm sending my kids to aunt amy for pep talks and explanations of the unfair world that we live in... ha ha ha so funny are you miss ma'am! Speaking of pep talks... I wish that you could still read amy's pep talk to me on my blog about the myspace ranter. It got deleted on accident but I LOVED it! Particularly that she validated my zebra belly. love you fame!!

Kristi, Liezl, Quincy, Ava, Cora, and Josh said...

We loved the video and its references to hosiery and those who wear it. Maybe if your pipes burst again, you will find Mia's earring...

Emily said...

What a story!

(And so well told.)