Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Covert Operations

Tiago showing me how mad the gorilla was.

Fernando came home earlier than expected today with many bags full of sugary delight, but more about that later. He shocked us even more when he claimed that the temperature outside was park worthy. We threw on some fleeces and went out the door. I brought the camera to catch any action since I really wasn't up to running around. The kids putzed around the park while I waddled behind encouraging more activity then I was displaying while Fernando studied in the car. When I was about ready to load everyone in the car, Fernando saved the day. With his usual high energy, he was scaling playground sets and flinging down twisty slides. The kids were squealing and running after him. After a few games of tag and hide and go seek, Fernando took them adventuring into the woodland near the park. I caught up with them planing to sneak up on some set of logs. Tiago had the left flank to man and Mia was to surprise attack from above. Dad's are the best!


Spencer's Adventures said...

I'd trade all my snow for a day at the park! I remember that one! My kids were always a little young for it, but it would be great right about now. Lets just trade places for a few days...

student said...

Life doesn't get better than playing in the park with those you love. Love, love, the pictures!! Wonderful

Lynette said...

I think you are right on with explaining my game day grouchies. I could be wrong but this looks like infamous Adventure Park (which we love and Ryley talks of frequently)Congrats on a day outside. I hope they were able to "complete" their mission with no casualities!

Emily said...

that is so cute.

It is so important, I think, to let daddies play with their kiddos how they will--as both moms and dads play so differently.

(I don't think in all of my creative adventures I have ever launched a surprise attack on a log pile.)

Fernando--we are so happy you are in the family.


I laughed heartily at the end of this blog... particularly the picture illustrating fernando with his game ON and coaching the wee recruits to get their game on. your family is ADORABLE!

Lynn said...

Uh...those are some AWESOME braids!! Did you go downtown to U Street and get those done? Nest time you're down there you should go to Ben's Chili Bowl http://www.benschilibowl.com/