Saturday, August 28, 2010


After a failed attempt to attend the Temple this morning and a birthday party to attend, the Saturday seemed open to possibilities. I was hoping for Sea World. There are a finite number of Saturdays that the Lost Lagoon will be open and I wanted to soak up the lovin'. (especially since strep throat last week excluded me from going with the family). The kids had hopes for Chuck E Cheese. . .yah right. Fernando was itching to spend money and I didn't really feel like shopping.

We pulled out the good old expo markers and our giant white board for a good ol' fashioned brainstorming session. The list was made and so were the plans. Fernando would get his haircut while we played at the park then we would meet up in the BX to do our version of a store scavenger hunt. Boys VS Girls in a mad rush to return the 5 items in the other team's cart. Unfortunately I underestimated the boys' ability to map a store. The boys won hands down. The next item was our all important donut buying which happened to be next to some Chicago Pizzeria. We opted to add in the kids' idea of eating out carry out style since the store scavenger hunt went on a bit longer than expected (not the hunt but waiting to buy Fernando's laptop while watching Kung Fu Panda on one of the demo tv's in the store).

In all, it felt good to break our normal gym, Costco, spend lots of money Saturday activities. The only downside was the overpriced mediocre pizza that could have tasted better if it didn't cost so much. Can't wait for next Saturday's brainstorming.


Emily said...

There is a reason you are called team tovar--you are on your game. hut... hut... hut....

was it legal to do celebratory dances post win???

student said...

I would like more info on the return things from the other teams cart? What? The donut idea sounded fantastic.