Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm A Big Kid Look What I Can Do

Does anyone remember that little medley from the pull up diaper commercial? Well, it was charming and a good theme song for our little miss. She has self potty trained and tries everything her siblings do. Here she is jumping off a ledge that is about as tall as she is all because Tiago and Mia did it.

We often get asked how old she is because of her constant conversational skills and no nonsense attitude. Oh, how I love getting a few hours each day to soak her in.


Kevin and Kristen said...

So cute! That is how Kimmy is. She thinks she is at least 4 years old and can do everything "by myself".

Kimberli said...

Potty trained already? Nice job Talia! I am dreading the potty training stage... ugh! Elise is definitely showing signs that the time is coming near. Maybe I should start praying for a self-trainer.


LOVE IT. she is so daring! I would love it if she taught Liam the finer art of going on the potty

student said...

Wow, little miss Talia. It is always so fun to be able to focus on one.

David said...

oh poor thing,she didn't make her jump! funny picture sequence :)

thank you for being probably the only blogger who doesnt require word verification!!

Lynette said...

She is SO cute. How old is she now?! :) I can't believe how fast they all keep growing. Good job on the potty training Talia!! Do you want to come teach Haley how it's done? :)

Kasey said...

How cute! I see that "I'm a big kid too" attitude with Haylee and Peyton..especially Haylee! How fun! She's a cutie!!!

David said...

8th! i'm 8th! whoo hoo!