Wednesday, June 9, 2010

new favorite

Fernando has a fantastic knack at picking delicious books on cd. Many of these books carried us across the US on our move from Maryland to Texas and during many a long drives since. They accompanied us during workouts and yard work and always leave passerby's with a curiosity on what is make us smile so quirkily.

My new favorite: Stumbling on Happiness. The joy of this book is doubled by the fact that the author is also the reader so emphasis and punchlines are doubly enjoyable. I find myself smiling at his connections and similes. I mean how could you not love a book that says things like: "But as bald men with cheap hairpieces always seem to forget, acting as though you have something and actually having it are not the same thing, and anyone who looks closely can tell the difference."

I would highly suggest this as a listen and not a read. I think that fiction books are fantastic reads where all non-fiction books are more interesting when listened to. Hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

student said...

Thanks for the suggestion. I will soon be spending a bit of time on planes and in airports, so I am obviously looking for some good books.