Sunday, May 30, 2010


With temperatures climbing into the mid 90's, my desire to use any cooking apparatus in my house has dwindled to non-existent. The grill has saved us from a life relegated to cold cereal for dinner. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out as many varieties of dinners and you can only grill up chicken so many ways. Friday's dinner defaulted to hamburgers. While pulling out all the toppings, my hands found some bacon. Bacon burgers are so much better than just plain burgers. To avoid heating up my house, I decided to grill the bacon.

Now many, if not all of you, have already realized what a disaster this bacon grilling idea is going to turn into. In the back of my head I realized there was bacon and open flame conundrum. This should be exhibit A on how undesirable cooking indoors has become to me. Even still, like most crazy ideas I have, I pushed onward with "backup" plans on how to resolve the guaranteed inferno. Just so you know, there really wasn't a definitive backup plan, just more of a "yeah, this isn't going to work" realization that I counted as my backup plan.

Sure enough, my first check in on the grilling resulted in flames lapping a good foot from the grill. So I did what any "smart" person would do, I moved the flaming bacon to the warming racks to prevent bigger flames. (notice the smart is in quotation) When I checked again, the grill was on fire. Bacon was ignited in flaming glory and fire was shooting out every which way. A normal person might have shut the lid and turned off the heat source. I decided to watch in funniest home video style and laugh uncontrollably at the crazy sight. Tiago was further back but equally entranced. I am surprised that I didn't get burned to be honest. I guess plain hamburgers were just going to have to do.


tylerandmommy said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! Where is the video for America's Funniest? Or at least for your blog so we can all laugh along with you? Sometimes we go against our logic just to see if we can outsmart ourselves, huh?

hwangberg said...

you didn't run for the camera?!?! In this world of blogging I totally think camera first clean up later.

Claudia said...

Just so you don't feel like you are the only one: for Easter, I decided to use the INDOOR grill (ie, stovetop attachment) to grill lamb chops. Fatty ones. There were flames in my kitchen, and our stove vents downward, so no hood to pretend to catch them in. Oh, and all our smoke detectors are hard wired, so if one goes off, they all go off...9 of them. Bon Appetit!

student said...

OK in spite of the comedy of the author, I am sure it was a bit unnerving. I wonder what microwave bacon would be like? I think it would probably cut down on bacon consumption, to be quite honest.

Tiffany said...

Funny story!!! Microwave bacon isn't the greatest, but better than no bacon! Good luck figuring out good summer meals, if I come across any, I will pass them on.

Lynn said...

Yeah, that wasn't the best idea.

By the way, I will trade 90 degreee weather for still dreary and 55 any day!

Emily said...

Glad you and your eybrows made it through your flaming bacon episode.

Josh said...

I recommend using your skillet or frying pan outside on the grill to catch the bacon grease.