Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorable Day

It's been awhile since we tried to connect the activities of the day to the holiday that we are celebrating. Monday brought the opportunity to try again. We spent most of the morning looking for Power Books and their accompanying tapes (yes tapes). Then we busted out of the internet and house in time to enjoy some splashing at the YMCA pool. Fernando and I tried the slides at the pool only to find out that our bodies aren't youth size anymore.

With the fun aside, we had the chance to let our children experience basic training. After watching a clip from a military training camp, the kids began their training as shown below. Now before anyone gets too worried about the yelling and water spraying, the kids were amply warned and made aware that it was just for fun: (also. . .sorry for the crazy videoing. Fernando was really distracting with all his yelling and frankly I've never been that hot at capturing in cinematographic grandeur.)
(sorry for the repeat, I'm not quite sure what happened there. I really shouldn't blog when kids are awake. . .they are very good at distracting me)

For those of you, ok all of you, who were lost in the jumbled camera effects, the obstacle course started with 5 dips on the stairs, "rope" grid stepping, duck squat walking with a cue stick aka gun on shoulders, army crawling under taped chairs, wall climbing (thanks to our friends for letting us steal their plastic toy from their back yard and walk it a block to our house), and a rope climb. They were supposed to target practice with rubber band guns, but unfortunately the wetness factor eliminated the success of the band and clothes pin situation.


student said...

You are an amazing family. I am still a little confused about how Talia felt about the rope. Soooo fun

hwangberg said...

you guys are awesome!! I was laughing the whole time especially thinking about what the neighbors thought was going on. they must have thought you were crazy.