Monday, June 22, 2009

May be we could Home School

Fernando and I have often talked about where we will end up after the military no longer owns us. It's strange for us to think about hunkering down for the long haul in any one place. Since getting married 7 years ago today, we have lived in 5 permanent houses, 2 extended stays, and 3 states (not including the the 6 months spent spread over several medical school rotations in different states). And that is just the beginning.

Yesterday, we went to a beach by some mountains and watched the sun set into the wave cresting ocean bundled in jackets. Several majestic birds skimmed the water and a few seals peaked up to say hello. After several scenic drives and reveling in the fact that windows can be opened to air out the house, I contemplated CA as our resting place.

Family would be close by, I could once again enjoy the cool night air, and much much more until I remember CA's weirdo school situation and the types of things they teach in school. I remembered the pollution and traffic and thought, "I guess no place is perfect."


tylerandmommy said...

You're right - no place is perfect, unfortunately. There are great things about everywhere (well - almost everywhere), and I LOVE a lot about California too... Good luck!

hwangberg said...

just remember how muc it cost back here. then think that california casts even more than that. :)

Emily said...

My two cents--I hear camarillo is just how you describe. . .

Scoop up a forclosure and come on down!!!

And when in the world did you have time to blog this!!! :0)

student said...

I couldn't agree more about the weather and the family wonderfulness. However, have you given Utah a thought? We have great snow, and I know some wonderful school teachers.

Lynn said...

You just have to find the right place in CA. Much of So. Cal if conservative and even coming from a "bad" CA school district I think Ben and I and many of our friends did just fine. That being said. I don't think we will end up there, but I sure like to visit!