Mia's first year of school is over. The last week seemed to be a particular waste of time with Mia watching multiple movies and tv shows a day. With that said, we joined her for what seemed like the best idea for end of year activities I have ever seen. The school hosted a field day (actually two field days: one for the older and another for the younger grades.)
I remember in elementary school, everyone would be forced to sit out in the hot sun watching the few elite athletes and some teachers play softball. Boring. Mia's school had 24 different stations and punch cards. The kids could only go to the stations once. That means even if you loved it or hate it, you only could go once. I loved watching Mia try to throw, hop, pull, push, and balance during the different stations.
Murnin? who? I remember when we made the switch from the 6th graders vs. the faculty game to field day where everyone could participate. Everyone, including the moms and dads whose aid was solicited to help run field day, enthusiastically embraced it. Yea for Mia for completing Kindergarten. She is really growing up.
Murnin is the name of Mia's School.
CONGRATULATIONS to the graduate!
And your right--the whole softball game was BORING!!
What a great field day. Have I ever told you how cute your kids are? Okay, they are darling.
i haven't done one of those potato sack races in forever! except in mia's case, it looks like it was a pillow case race!
hey, go on facebook and take the "how well do you know david coats" quiz and see how you do!
i love the nose flare that talia is rockin....i can't wait to read about all of the adventures in sea world. do share with the class ;)
That must be a common idea because Alexandra's school had their field day today. I wasn't there...but Donald went and volunteered. It sounds very similar to the one that Mia had at her school :)
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