Friday, June 12, 2009

Busy Girl

Little Talia has big personality. As she grows and develops we get to enjoy more of that personality. Here are a few pictures and videos so you can enjoy her too. These pictures were taken the other day. Talia put every single lei on all by herself.

She loves trying to put on any clothes whether they be hers or anyone elses. She will usually end up with some shirt around the backside of her neck and try relentlessly to put someones socks on. Here she is wearing my purse slung over her shoulder.

Did you catch her hand position? She has this cheerleader pose while she walks. The protruding fist is the side that usually leads the toddling walk.


Emily said...

oooh I cant wait to cush on her cheeks!!!


I just can't get over what a beautiful little girl she is becoming! So ADORABLE!! I just love her!!!

AMy said...

A is for Adorable and i love her flare for fashion.

tylerandmommy said...

How cute! It's so fun to see them grow up and develop their own distinctive personalities. I bet it's even more fun when you have older kids to compare them to.

student said...

Love the walk!! She is so precious, I need to get to Texas to kiss her cheeks.

Lynn said...

she looks like a proper hawaiian graduating from college or something with all of those leis. cute cute cute.