Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Fernando

Nothing says birthday fun then waking up at 3:30 am to get to work with a grumpy Attending. On a happier side note, he did have the chance to leave earlier to come home to his birthday surprise. Unfortunately, due to babysitting in the morning and an exploding bookshelf*, and not enough paint, the project isn't complete. I have been planning this idea for weeks. I have been looking online and in stores for a perfect desk and bookshelf to highlight the BYUness of the room. When the stores weren't looking promising, I thought "I'll just make some bookshelves." In the end, I decided (or time limitations and mom duties decided for me) that I would just paint while he was at work on Tuesday and put up some white trim on the walls. Ok, minus the white trim, this is what he got.



After being surprised by the room, we shoved his b-day dinner of auju (french dip sandwiches) into our face to make it on time to Mia's singing performance at the school. It turns out that the singing was a sneaky way to get all the parents to attend this really boring PTA meeting. There was more PTA business including a redundant vote for the new PTA board then there was singing. Fernando, who was exhausted for a long day of work, fell asleep for most of the meeting while I followed Miss Curious around the gym.

Fernando had YM obligations and left right after Mia finished singing. I raced the kids home to bed so I could finish the last surprise for his office. Unfortunately I got stuck on deciding which wire should stand in place of the nonexistent black wire for the ceiling fan to work correctly. By correct I mean not start a fire and what not. Fernando came home mid-process and helped me finish. What a good sport. He picked at the cake the kids made** and we went to bed.

Happy Birthday, my love. You are an amazing person that I was lucky enough to marry. You are a fantastic husband, father, son, brother, doctor, chess player (ok and every other game except I totally got you on Tetris), and so much more. Enjoy your last year in your twenties.

*Just for all of you who might contemplate such actions in the future, cheap short bookcases are not meant to hold the weight of people. I foolishly and lazily used such a bookcase to reach the near ceiling wall part. It worked for a few minutes, but in the end it just wasn't meant to be. Shocking. Who would have guessed particle board couldn't support 150lbs?

**Tiago and Mia were in charge of doing the cake since I was busy painting. I put in all the ingredients and told them to switch off on mixing it. Tiago came running in a few minutes later screaming about Mia and the mixer being in trouble. I came out to a smoking mixer and a worried Mia. The hand mixer is toast, literally. I asked her why she didn't just turn it off and she told me that she didn't know she could do that.



Did we really miss Fernando's birthday?! I mean we did have his gift three months ago... but to miss the actual day?! shameful. Hope it was a good day anyways, fern. :)

tylerandmommy said...

LOL! Sounds like an excited and eventful birthday. I love reading your posts...they crack me up.

Lynn said...

What a great color!

AMy said...

i enjoyed the side-notes at the bottom of the post. i for some reason had a flash back to being at the dc zoo and weighing ourselves....good times :)

Emily said...


The blue looks awesome--You are such a great mom Rach.

And of course, a Happy Birthday to Miss Talia Today too!

student said...

I know it wasn't funny, but just looking at the exploded bookshelf, in concert with the phone conversation of last night, just threw me into a fit of laughter. Wisely enough I am looking at this post minus students. Getting smarter by the day. Great room, Sorry about the mixer.

Emily said...

Well I just came back for another visit to wish miss Mia a Happy Birthday Today! We love you very much!!

Kevin and Kristen said...

I love the color of the room that you painted! What is the name of it?

TOVAR said...

Kilz Casual Colors (from walmart) Arctic Night. We also lovingly refer to the color as BYU blue or the True Fan

Lisa Christine said...

The room looks WONDERFUL!

Lisa Christine said...

Happy B-day Fernando!