Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Constant Smiles

I am often curious about my natural face. You know, the automatic fall back look after some external stimulus has changed your expression? I also wonder about my automatic responses. Sometimes I wish I could be observing my life through a camera viewpoint as well as my optical one. My favorite is when I regain awareness of my expressions while lost in the experience. Like in Zumba class, when I song has carried me away to some tropical hide away and Fernando and I are dancing (we won't go further with that image.) Smile. Or when I reading a clever blog and try to limit my comments so as not to seem too creepy, but silently reveling in the words and moments of their lives. Smile. And when I watch my children in their element and really listen instead of pretending in that state of multiprocessing motherhood. Smile.

Ah, this life has so much to absorb and love and taste. I can't see why I slip so often into that natural state. I suppose that's why we should be more childlike. Unfettered love and curiosity with the willingness to obey = pure joy. (with a few exceptions like cleaning their toy room or folding their clothes). Smile.


Claudia said...

That baby is pure sunshine - just like her mom.

tylerandmommy said...

What a cute baby!

My natural state is while teaching dance. Every once in a while I catch an expression of mine in the mirror and have to laugh even at myself.

David said...

Yeah, i totally remember that elder oaks talk. it made a great impression me. more information, less knowledge. i think he nailed it.

Lynn said...


Unknown said...

I love the way your write. I liked this post a lot! Thanks.

AMy said...

Perhaps my favorite post yet :)

BusyBee said...

As always, your writing is so much fun to read! You should publish a book of your memoirs...The Doings of the Multi-tasking Mommy.