Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Let Down and Saturday Football (last on the Utah Trip)

Since we have moved from Utah over 5 years ago, we have enjoyed many a game via the media. Fernando has even been so desperate to watch it pac man style online. We are grateful that Direct TV has bought the chance to have Mountain Network and Versus so we can get the games at home. We gear up the kids, the house, and bring out the football treat helmet for good game time fun.

So you can imagine the excitement we (meaning mostly Fernando and I) were to be at the game. We planned for a weekend trip to Provo. Friday was the time to tour campus, buy too much cougar gear at the BYU Bookstore, eat dinner at Bridle Vail Falls, and attend the fireside. Well, we made it to the bookstore and that's about it. We stayed in a dumpy hotel next to the Stadium and woke up to a better day on Saturday.

Fernando woke early and ran the Y. I got the kids up and dressed. Fun side note, our kids were having fun filling up the hotel cups with water and drinking the water. I had forgotten my contact case at my parent's house so I decided to improvise and use two cups from the hotel. I made sure to make the kids aware of my contacts and not, repeat, not drink or pour this "water out". I knew that my extra contacts, and glasses were in Sandy and we would not drive the 45 minutes each way to retrieve them if there was an accident. I guess I should have also talked with Fernando. He wisely hydrated before his morning run, but choose my right contact glass to do so. Though I wasn't blind, I couldn't see well. I spent the rest of the morning trying to figure out how I could get a quick pair of glasses for the game. Luckily, right before I plopped down some serious cash to get glasses in an hour, the Lens Crafters manager gave me some trial contact lenses in my prescription and called it a day.

We had a chance to meet up with one of our old friend, Dave. On his suggestion, we got breakfast at Mimi's Cafe. Then we headed up to Squaw Peak. Aside from Mia getting sick from the chocolate milk and Tiago having an accident in the car, it was an enjoyable breakfast. We headed to the Marriott Parking lot to get a good space and headed back to the bookstore. Fernando insisted that I get some BYU earrings and we needed some sun screen and batteries. Of course, Fernando couldn't resist the BYU football that Tiago found, so we now own our 4th football. We then went to the President Hinckley Alumni building for some Pre-Game festivities.
With faces painted, we headed to the Lavell Stadium.

Fernando had hopes of finding better tickets from a scalper, but I drew the line when the best offer was handing over our $25 a piece tickets with an extra $60 per ticket in exchange. This was wise since we ended up buying quite a bit of stadium food and frozen treats to assuage the kids. It only slightly worked. Tiago thought that he would have a chance to play with his newly acquired football, but lost all interested when he found out that only the players were allowed on the field. The sun, lack of naps, close quarters, and long distance from the field spelled disaster. Fernando opted to get the kids a chance to cool down below the bleachers and take a potty break. When he came back 10 minutes later, BYU had already scored 4 touchdowns. Poor UCLA. Poor Fernando who missed it. The shut out made it easier to leave before the game was over. It was fun, but next time we'll have my parents watch the kids while we enjoy the BYU festivities and game.


scott and tara said...

Love it! It is nice to actually go to a game after you have lived in Maryland and a)listened to the game on the computer b)watched the game on the computer c)watched the game at the church d)nothing at all ;) I'm glad Fernando is a "little" obsessed with BYU football. It makes Scott seem a little more normal!

student said...

My favorite part was where you said that next year you will leave the kids with grandma and grandpa. I think that we all will have a great time!! Yea Go BYU!!! When is the next home game, by the way. Are you all interested in baseball and going to a home game. I know a set of grandparents willing to help out in the baby sitting department.


Okay, I have to tell you when I turned on the video section of this posting Liam started laughing and pointing and running across the room to see it... we watched Fernando's game spirit way too many times thanks to Liam's request. :) too cute...