Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One Small Step For Each Tovar, One Giant Step for Our Family

It seems like everyone is experiencing little change in our family. Fernando is using screws not only to wire his first surround sound, but in operations on people who strangely could use a few screws here and there. He even has been watching TV. Mind you it is the Olympics and Phelps is incredible to watch, but still Fernando has never been a TV watcher.

Mia, well her life is about ready to go topsy turvy with school starting in a few weeks. She'll be sporting a new hairdo. She has been growing it out in hopes to have in touch her knees. This self proclaimed goal wasn't championed by her mother. In fact the near daily struggles to get her to brush her hair made cutting it even more desirable. Lucky for all, Mia really loved my hair cut (and color. . .wait a few more years little girl) and liked the idea I had been planting in her head for months now to donate her hair to those who no longer had any. Locks of love will be receiving some beautiful hair. She has made a funny comment her hair.
"Mommy, I cant swish my hair anymore. See, it's short here in the back and gets taller in the front." She tried swishing like she had before with her pony tails, but alas. . .no more swing. I confess that although I loved her hair, I'm digging the ease of this new do. We've decided she can grow and donate all she wants.

Tiago has found the real use for his pull ups. We won't go into much detail there, but oh what a good challenge this has proved to be. He has everything down, but just won't self initiate the process. My favorite is hearing him sing "Life is a Highway" as he washes his hands. I want to make sure the soap gets rubbed on long enough to wash away any potential bugs.

Talia is crossing off developmental markers all over the place. Not only has she quite the dexterity with her hands, she has found her toes, her tummy, and a beautiful set of sounds. It's funny when she rolls over. It is almost like her body forces her to do so and then she protests via shrieks. She will often roll over in her sleep and wake up with a sense of betrayal. Other times she loves the new perspective.


Kristi, Liezl, Quincy, Ava, Cora, and Josh said...

Talia - hi big girl! You have lost your newborn look and look so grown up.
Tiago - keep up the good work!
Mia - I love your new hair. I just gave Liezl a "trim", it should have been just a couple of inches, but it is almost as short as yours now.

AMy said...

These pictures are adorable! I wish I could come and play. BTW I wanted to make a cute outfit for meekies for school...can you email me some measurements??
P.S. Thanks for the muchy needed chat this morning...I decided to just think about Mr. Collins whenever I am feeling weak. :)

Emily said...

Cute pictures. Especially that last one or Talia.

By the way--in the picture of Talia and Tiago, tiago totally looks like Fernando.

And Mia--I'm sure whoever will get that hair will love it. (And it will speed up morning get ready too!)

I love you guys!

student said...

I thought Tiago looked like Fernando, too. Little Talia has the Tovar nose for sure. I am so excited that you are all coming, I can hardly stand it. Mia will be missing some school, and that will be sad. When does she actually take that cute little hair do to school? I hope Mom can be as brave as Mia. Our Kindergarten teachers swear that the hardest thing about the first day is getting the kids into the classroom minus the Mom. I know it's hard, but I am sure she will do just fine. She is really ready.


I love the idea of Dr Fernando putting screws in people... okay I know that he isn't the one holding the screwdriver but I think it is so cool that he is a doctor. And I am glad that he watches a little t.v. now and then, too. :)

I can't believe how excited I am to see your kiddos! Mia's hair looks so cute... I can't believe she is in kindergarten already!! Time flies.

I confess that I don't look forward to potty training Liam and I would love to hear about all the fun ways Tiago has found to use pullups (I have an image of Mia and Tiago with creative helmets....)

Keep posting more pictures of that Talia girl! I can't believe how fast she is changing and growing...

I sure love you guys!!

Becca said...

I hear you with Talia. That's how Timmy is! I love how you've put it into words that she shrieks when she turns over on her belly, exactly how Timmy is and he also wakes up in the middle of the night when he rolls over. Funny babies!

Kasey said...

I sure hope it all works out that way!! I wouldn't mind them all being playmates and friends! Your kids are all so adorable! Hope all continues to go well. Have a happy day! Lataz~Love always, Kasey

Spencer's Adventures said...

Hi Rachelle! It is so fun to see your cute little family. I hope Mia has fun in school. Tyler is starting this year as well. Time flies!