Saturday, March 22, 2008

What do hollowed out eggs and cinnamon bread have in common?

(left to right blue bird, bunny rabbit, and chick)

Saturday Easter festivities for our family involve all of the what I lovingly refer to as the "silly" side of Easter. I personally think that all the bunny and candy should be a part of a celebration of spring and let Easter be for the Atonement and Resurrection, but peeps have more of a say in this matter then I do. Luckily, I do have a say about what and when we celebrate as a family. Upon perusing the Martha Stewart website, I saw my Spring Celebration craft (Easter for everyone else). I am personally not the biggest fan of boiled eggs making this project ideal. The eggs had to loose their middles before dyeing. The egg innards couldn't just be wasted. Solution: Berry-Yogurt Stuffed French Toast. While the French toast cooked, the kids and I dyed our eggs. With 8 total, I reserved the three you see in the picture for my craft fun and let the kids go to town on the rest. Delicious and rewarding in more ways then one.


Emily said...

Happy easter--those are some swankified eggs sister!

How fun to have two coming on 3 to have fun with.

I love you guys, looks like a yummy and fun day. Do you think that cinnamon bread would ship well :)?

Kristi, Liezl, Quincy, Ava, Cora, and Josh said...

Cute eggs and even cuter kids. I love the idea of seperating the silly easter festivities from the sacred between the two days. I might try that next year.

student said...

I'm with Emily on the cinnamon bread, and the shipping part. Easter is more than dying eggs, but I think that egg dying is fun for kid, and obviously you have perfected the technique, too. How did the hollowed-out, fragile eggs work with a 2 year old and almost 4 year old technical talent? The video told me to come back later, as it didn't want ot play for me at this time. Cute, cute, kids and excited to add another cute cute addition to the terrific Team Tovar. Love

student said...

Opps I meant almost 5 year olds technical talent. Sorry Miss Mia.

Claudia said...

Awesome - can you please plan all my holidays for me?
We also separate the silly and the spiritual - I think it would be wrong to send a sugared-up child to nursery!!!!!

Kristi, Liezl, Quincy, Ava, Cora, and Josh said...

What was the first color Tiago mentioned? I am pretty sure that red is his favorite color.--Josh

AMy said...

I think it's great that they let tiago off his ball and chain to come and spend Easter with his family...jailbreak!!!