Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Homemade Love

Scrapbooking and I have a love hate relationship. I love to buy the various products but hate making the executive decisions with the all powerful tacky glue. I have even purchased a book that lays out various options to maximize the paper's power for cuteness and historical remembrance. And yet, a large Tupperware container stays unnoticed under my bed until I have to store away more products.
There comes those moments in my life that inspire me to greater heights or at least I get ambitious enough to fiddle with the paper. Easter cards for my family brought the inspiration this time. The finished product is below. I want you to notice the intricate pattern combination (in other words that wasn't a mistake to have so many different busy body patterns) and the central location of the brad to keep the ribbon in place.

Upon sliding the little "Friendship" card out of it's amazingly manufactured envelope, the recipient enjoys this picture. Hopefully it will help you feel a little fuzzier this Easter season.


Becca said...

You did a wonderful job! By the way, where did you have that cute picture taken?

student said...

As a recipient of one of the aforementioned treasures I feel much much fuzzier. Thank you for the love part of the love-hate relationship. With new little bebe on the way, I am especially impressed with the energy and effort necessary to produce such a heart-warming product. Thank you again. Much love from Germania Circle

AMy said...

Thanks for the darling card...I love having two of my cutest babies on my fridge!

Spencer's Adventures said...

That is an amazing picture of your kids. They look absolutely angelic. I'm sure they are too!

Lynn said...

I laugh as I read this, as your humor touches me on a personal level. The boxes of beads, fabric and other (oft untouched) art supplies attest to my unhealthy attachment to raw goods that I will most likely never use.

However, I have not a few homespun items - invitations, baby memory book - made by your talented hands set aside for safekeeping.

Claudia said...

Gorgeous picture of the kids - and super cute cards. Congrats on working up the ambition to make the cards and drag the kids to a photo studio!


I love the card!! THANK YOU! You are so cute and I would love to be a recipient of any and all reasons to pull out the scrapbooking bin. :)

Emily said...

Thanks for the nice card, we have it on our fridge!

You are so talented!